TCR Changes and A2P Registrations

Companies are Struggling to Keep SMS Active in Their Systems Due to TCR Changes and A2P Registrations

Due to TCR changes and A2P registrations, companies are having to adjust if they have relied on SMS (Short Message Service) as a trusted communication channel. SMS is used by businesses to send text messages to their customers and clients. It has long been an effective tool for marketing, customer engagement, and communication.

Companies are facing an uphill battle in keeping their SMS systems active and functioning smoothly due to recent changes in the Telecommunications Consumer Protection (TCP) regulations and the growing need for Application-to-Person (A2P) registrations. These changes have had a significant impact on businesses and their messaging campaigns.

These changes include the implementation of a2p (application-to-person) registrations and stricter vetting processes for messaging campaigns.

Companies now face challenges in ensuring their messages comply with the new regulations and registering their campaigns in order to continue using SMS as a marketing and communication channel.

Despite the difficulties, businesses recognize the value of SMS and are adapting their strategies to comply with the changes and maintain effective communication with their customers.

Why Companies Struggle to Keep it Active

One of the main challenges that companies face is the requirement for campaign registrations and vetting processes.

Businesses now have to go through a tedious and time-consuming process to register their messaging campaigns and ensure compliance with the new regulations.

This includes providing detailed campaign descriptions, verifying business profiles, and even secondary vetting for certain types of messages.

These regulatory updates have introduced new challenges and requirements for businesses that rely on SMS messaging as part of their marketing and communication strategies.

Another issue that companies encounter is campaign rejection. The new regulations have led to a more stringent screening process, which results in a higher likelihood of campaigns being rejected.

This can be frustrating for businesses that rely on SMS marketing programs to communicate with their customers.

Moreover, smaller businesses often find themselves in a predicament due to the introduction of the low-volume standard.

This standard, which applies to low-volume standard brands and sole proprietor brands, imposes additional restrictions and requirements on these businesses.

They may be required to obtain toll-free numbers, provide physical addresses, and even undergo a higher level of scrutiny.

The Need for Registrations and Vetting Processes

In the world of SMS messaging campaigns, registrations and vetting processes play a crucial role in ensuring the legitimacy of businesses and preventing fraudulent messages.

These processes are necessary to maintain the integrity of SMS marketing programs and protect both businesses and consumers.

Registrations are necessary to verify the identity and legitimacy of businesses before they can engage in SMS messaging campaigns. This involves providing specific information such as the business entity, contact details like email and physical address, and business profile. By requiring this information, it becomes easier to authenticate the business and establish trust with mobile carriers and wireless carriers.

Vetting processes are implemented to review and approve the types of messages and campaigns that businesses intend to send. This step helps to weed out fraudulent messages and ensure that only legitimate businesses can participate in SMS marketing programs.

Vetting involves analyzing factors like message segments, campaign descriptions, and sample messages. It also involves secondary vetting for certain categories like low-volume standard brands, sole proprietor brands, and toll-free numbers, to ensure that businesses meet the necessary criteria.

The Campaign Registry (TCR) plays a central role in these registrations and vetting processes. It acts as a central hub where businesses can obtain trust scores and create a profile that mobile carriers can access to verify the legitimacy of campaigns. Additionally, working with a Campaign Service Provider (CSP) is important as they facilitate the registration process to ensure compliance with A2P (Application-to-Person) messaging regulations.

Legitimate Businesses vs. Bad Actors

In the world of SMS messaging, there is a clear distinction between legitimate businesses and bad actors. Legitimate businesses are those that abide by the rules and regulations set by mobile carriers and wireless carriers. They use SMS messaging campaigns as a tool for effective customer engagement and enhancing the overall customer experience. Legitimate businesses communicate with customers to relay important information, such as appointment reminders or updates on their products or services.

On the other hand, bad actors are entities that misuse SMS messaging for fraudulent activities. They may send out unsolicited messages, scam customers, or engage in other illegal practices. These bad actors tarnish the reputation of SMS messaging and disrupt the trust that mobile carriers and wireless carriers have with legitimate businesses.

The recent changes in the Campaign Registry (TCR) and A2P (Application-to-Person) registrations have had a significant impact on distinguishing between legitimate businesses and bad actors. TCR changes include more stringent vetting processes and campaign registrations to ensure that only trusted entities can operate SMS marketing programs. A2P registrations, facilitated by Campaign Service Providers (CSPs), help enforce compliance with messaging regulations.

These changes have made it more difficult for bad actors to operate under the guise of legitimate businesses. The TCR now requires comprehensive information and proof of identity during the registration process, making it harder for fraudulent entities to pass through the vetting process. Additionally, CSPs play a crucial role in verifying the authenticity of businesses, further preventing bad actors from abusing SMS messaging.

By implementing these TCR changes and A2P registrations, mobile carriers and wireless carriers can better distinguish between legitimate businesses and bad actors. This ensures that SMS messaging remains a trusted and valuable communication channel for businesses and their customers.

How to Overcome These Changes?

The recent changes in the Campaign Registry (TCR) and A2P registrations have presented challenges for businesses attempting to maintain active SMS messaging systems. However, there are steps that can be taken to overcome these obstacles.

One approach is to ensure compliance with the new regulations by providing comprehensive information and proof of identity during the registration process. By adhering to the strict vetting processes put in place by the TCR, businesses can demonstrate their legitimacy and increase their chances of being approved to operate SMS marketing programs.

Additionally, working with Campaign Service Providers (CSPs) can be beneficial, as they can help verify the authenticity of businesses and provide guidance on remaining compliant with messaging regulations.

By adapting to the new requirements and collaborating with trusted partners, businesses can navigate these changes and continue using SMS messaging effectively for their marketing and communication needs.


In conclusion, it is evident that SMS messaging plays a crucial role in effective customer engagement and communication.

However, recent changes in TCR requirements and A2P registration processes have posed challenges for businesses trying to keep their SMS systems active.

To navigate these challenges, companies must adhere to SMS/MMS best practices.

This way, businesses can ensure the successful delivery of marketing messages, improve campaign registrations, and build trust with mobile carriers and wireless providers.

In this ever-evolving digital business ecosystem, it is vital for businesses to adapt to the changing landscape of SMS marketing. 

We’ll continue exploring this important topic. 

This issue does shine a light on the need for alternative forms of client communication. 

We know a bit about that here at Agency Elephant. 

If client communication is a priority (and a bit of a struggle) for your business, get a demo today to see how our platform can take you to the next level. 

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